Monday, September 26, 2011

A Cathedral

In my hometown, when I was growing up, there was a big buzz when the diocese decided to build a new church. A cathedral no less. It turned out to be a boxy lil thing and perhaps because I was unfazed by it, the significance of a cathedral has always been lost on me.

When I finally dragged myself into the square of the Cathedral of St James in Santiago de Compostella, I was physically, mentally and spiritually broken in so many pieces - 3 months later, I am realising that I had not done so many things. Such as sitting in silence at the square to marvel at this work of men.

I am currently re-reading the Pillars of the Earth, of Tom Builder's quest to as a master builder in the ye old days, to build a cathedral. It says that a "cathedral looms high above all things around it so that it draws one's eyes heavenward - towards God."

The Cathedral of St James is indeed a work to be marveled at. Built in the days where there were no such things as concrete mixers, cranes that goes hundreds of feet high, I can only imagine, using the book, how much work went into building it. All in the name of giving glory to God. And it was in His name that this feat was accomplished. That it still stands today for one and all to see.

In the midst of all financial madness, a new dream has sprouted. To go back to Santiago for a week. Just to sit in front of this wonderment and be still in amazement of what God can do. It is a mad dream. Cos I have just placed a commitment towards a new home. One that is half a million of doors over my initial budget.

Yet, something in me tells me that a year from now, on the anniversary of my initial pilgrimage, I will have the funds to not only bring myself but also my partner back to Santiago. To do as I did not the first time round.

~ Your Will be Done ~

Monday, September 12, 2011

3 Months In

The last time I wrote, a month ago, I was on the verge of purchasing my own property - a blessing I never thought could happen anytime in the foreseeable future. Unfortunately, that did not go as planned. But the search goes on. In fact, this week, I should be able to go and see this other place - which is almost double the price but far, far better in terms of conditions and value.

It hardly feels like it's been 3 months since I staggered into the plaza where the Cathedral stands. It hardly feels like it's been 3 months since I had such solitude that it drove me almost out of my own mind and skin. It feels WAY LONGER THAN THAT!

It is becoming clearer, the lessons I have learnt and how I am changing. I am more firm in what I want out of life and how I want to continue living my life. I am also a tad bit more patient - not a whole lot, but a wee bit goes a long way.

Anyways, I shall not be naive and think that a mere walk is going to change my life. The walk may be the starting point. But how it unfolds - that is really a daily journey that I have to carry on.