Thursday, April 7, 2011


Today started on one of the most awful ways - a stinking migraine at 6 am, instead of a 5 km walk outdoors as the sun comes up. The migraine was one that was waiting to happen - I have been stressed out to the limits that I know if I go for a massage now, the masseuse would be going "tsk, tsk, tsk" to no end at these steel bands across my body.

Yet, in the face of it all, God's merciful ways shown through as I came out of the bath to 2 missed calls on my phone mid-morning. I thought it was a work call being returned but to my surprise, it was my broker - Hell! I wasn't expecting to hear from her till late afternoon today! I suppose God decided that this child of His, who knows not the term patience, has suffered quite enough and decided to spare me further agony.

So yes, our loan application has gone through and the rest of the process has kicked in.

I wish I can tell you in all my eloquence and super-duper vocabulary the joy and thanks that I experienced. Sure, I can describe the trembling hands as they punched in the phone numbers to the house, to dad's mobile. And of course, I can describe the pinching of myself - just to see that the conversation was not a drug-induced one! But my words fail me.

One of the things I always tell my customers is this: This is just the end of one chapter and the start of another - what you choose to fill the next pages with, is entirely in your own hands. And this rings true when one of my mentors whom I had rung to share the good news said "Congratulations! It is indeed a weight off your shoulders. But do ensure you honour this commitment to the bank."

It is gonna be a lot of hardwork and effort - meeting mortgage and rent, and putting food on the table. But then again, God does not give you hills and mountains to climb that He knows you cannot do! So long as we have the willingness of Samuel - wonders will happen!
You are a child of Mine
Born of My own design
And you bear the heart of life.
No matter where you go,
Oh, you will always know
You have been made free in Christ.
You are a child of Mine

Lyrics excerpt from:
You are a Child of Mine by Mark Schultz

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