Tuesday, July 17, 2012

In a World of Plenty

Our priest said during his Sunday Sermon, that God gave the world 4-times over what we need in order to survive and live. However, it is not always a balance dispersion of that "wealth".

As I walked to grab breakfast for the kids before Mass that day, I passed an elderly lady in a wheelchair. She had some bandages around her ankles, she looked rather disheveled. She had bags of plastic carriers in her lap, and not far on the visitors chair, slept a young boy with a t-shirt draped over his body to keep him from the blast of the air-cond. On my way back, the lady, through her tears, stopped me, crying "Sister tolong (help)!"

She had been ill, and came to the hospital for help. But now had no money to pay the bill. The hospital did not want to release her medication until her bill was settled. I had also walked past the hospital administrators, whispering about how they should only help "the really needy and worthy" - only then I did not know who they were whispering about.

When God made us, He gave us 2 eyes to see with, 2 ears to listen with, 1 mouth to speak out with and 1 heart to feel and dispense His love from. And while He also gave us a mind and intellect to think with, who are we to judge on matters such as "need" or "worthiness"?

Some may say I was a sucker who fell for her plea of help. But that opinion would only matter to me if it came from someone who truly knew that lady, as in her person, her circumstance.

In this world of 4-folds of unbalance - I rely only on what my 2 eyes show me, my 2 ears hear, my 1 mouth to say "Let me help" and my 1 heart to tell me I have done right. And while I should feel joy; joy that I no longer hesitate or ponder what people would think of me when I step out of the norm, I feel only sadness.

For I would gladly pay her bill and others many times over if it would spare my family from this road that we are travelling on. 

In this world of plenty, we have nothing if we do not have our health and our loved ones with us.

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