Monday, June 6, 2011

Live - Like the Oscars

12 hours to go.

As I wait for my mp3 players (yes - more than 1!) charge up, I am taking the time to quiet down and give thanks.

It seems like only yesterday that I was driving home and decided to do my plea bargain with God: Let the housing loan go through swiftly and successfully and I will walk the Way of St James in praise and thanksgiving. What started out as that has changed many times over in the course of the 10 weeks or so. It stands now in its true form: a journey of self-realisation and in some way, self-actualisation.

Tonight would not be what it is: the night before I fly off, if not for persons who I have been tremendously blessed with. Like we always see with the Oscar winners, here we go - drum roll please:

Abba - You know this child best. Your patience is un-ending! Thank you!

My family
- without your strength, support and unconditional love I would not be able to go forth with a light heart. Knowing that Lydia and Luke are in safe hands until I come home, it is indeed a brick off my pack. Your faith and trust has been a fine example - I just never saw it before until now.

My Facebook circle of friends - Your personal encouragement each time I waiver has kept me buoyant. We knew each other from different stages of my life and I am blessed that regardless of those changes, that you still took the time to read my lil tweets and slap me on the face when I needed it.

My travel agent - Callum and Caroline of Frontier Holidays: Your efforts in making this adventure as exciting as it possibly can even before I take off has been par none! I am so glad that I decided to go with your agency, especially when you actually take the trouble to ensure that I have everything I need. One day we shall meet in the highlands of Scotland!

My right-hand, left-foot - Sam: I am so proud to have seen your blossoming in the last year. As per the handle I gave you here - you are officially my right-hand and left-foot! Knowing the office(s) is in your hands makes me wanna sing "Sam is in the house!"

My LegalBeagle - Senthil: you have indeed chosen the right profession. No sounder advise was received from the beginning till today. All the thanks I can cut-and-paste here would not be enough.

My best mate - Mandy: Girlfriend - need I say more. You saw more tears and sorrows than anyone else here witnessed. You caught more raw-edge than anyone here had to endure. I will wear the dress and have a prance down La Ramblas for you for sure when all this is done!

A special thanks from an unexpected gesture of kindness that till now I do not know its motivation point - my "brother" Adam. Mate, your words last night "Here are your London expenses" whether intentional or not, shows me that there is such thing as kindness out there.

And to one and all who have either rung, text-ed or emailed me best wishes on this journey - I promise I will try my level best to return home safe and sound from this long walk!

And last but not the least, my Jiminy Cricket:
2years ago, you objected vehemently to this and this time round, you stood by me.Babe, you have tolerated all the hemming-and-hawing plus a whole lot of outbursts from me. And you're still set on meeting me in Dublin and using the night of the 22nd to talk me through this experience. I will go with "arms wide open".

At one point of this journey, I thought spitefully that one has to travel thousand of miles to experience love, kindness and generosity. Tonight I stand contrite - it was right at my front door but I never took the time to see it for what it was.

The travels start in less than half a day's time - this blog is now officially a travel blog.

Till we speak again from Doha, Qatar in 24 hours time: Please continue to keep me in your prayers, regardless of your religion and creed!
And now let the weak say, "I am strong"
Let the poor say, "I am rich
Because of what the Lord has done for us"
Give thanks

Here's wishing me Buen Camino!

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